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The architectural design of the multi-apartment low-energy structure involves vertical divisions into four distinct sections or »lamellas« (A, B, C and D). The lamellas differ from each other in terms of technology, structure and design/concept. This means that they differ above all in terms of the materials used for floor finishes and types of ventilation. The load-bearing structure is reinforced concrete up to the third floor, while the third floor and terrace floor have a wooden structure.

Project information

Location of the project:
Pot Rdečega križa
Year of completion:
7301 m2
Housing Fund of the Republic of Slovenia, public fund


Main architect / Office:
Tadej Glažar, Jurij Kobe, Janez Koželj, Aleš Vodopivec, UniArh d.o.o.
Tadej Glažar, Jurij Kobe, Janez Koželj, Aleš Vodopivec, David Kozamernik, UniArh d.o.o., Anže Zalaznik, Tomaž Ebenšpanger, Ajda Kolenbrand
Landscape architecture:
Dekleva Gregorič arhitekti, Bruto
Miran Kambič
Other participants:

Rap-ing d.o.o.

Check out the expert:
Housing Fund of the Republic of Slovenia, public fund
Main contractor:
STRABAG d.o.o.
Other contractors and suppliers:

STRABAG d.o.o. (Construction work)

LAMO d.o.o. (Construction)

Alkam d.o.o., LAMO d.o.o., Knauf Insulation d.o.o. (Facades and insulation)

ISP d.o.o. (Mechanical installations)

Eldata d.o.o. (Electrical installations)

Elcom d.o.o., Klima Ptuj d.o.o. (Installation contractor)

Klepos d.o.o. (Roofing, tinkering)

Marles PSP d.o.o. (Windows, doors)

Tadej Glažar – references

Jurij Kobe – references

Janez Koželj – references

Aleš Vodopivec – references

Infrastructure projects

Residential projects

Sustainable projects