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Sv. Urh, Exhibition 1941-1945

At St. Urh in the existing covered remains of the former “mežnarija”, an exhibition has been created about the events between 1941 and 1945, which are related to this place and the wider area. It was created instead of the exhibition arranged in the church of St. Urh until the 1990s.

The open canopy space above the basement is covered with mesh elements, which is not only a utilitarian barrier, but heralds a special event in the space. It is intended for the exhibition of informative material. The basement, where the prisoners were tortured, is only dimly lit and has been kept intact. Only the metal door, on which photographs of the identified victims are placed, are new and are symbolically so wide that they cannot be closed.

Project information

Location of the project:
Mežnarija - Razstavni prostor, 1261 Ljubljana - Dobrunje
Year of completion:
150 m2
Plečnik Medal for contribution to the enrichment of architectural culture 2021
Mestna občina Ljubljana
Accesible for people with mobility impairments.


Main architect / Office:
Jurij Kobe, Maja Kovačič
Jurij Kobe
Other participants:

dr. Blaž Vurnik – zasnova razstave in izbor gradiva (Mestni muzej Ljubljana)

Roman, d.o.o. – jeklo in sanacija zidovja

Main contractor:
Roman d.o.o.
Other contractors and suppliers:

Javna razsvetljava d.o.o. (Installation contractor)

ATELIERarhitekti – references

Cultural projects

Cultural projects