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Partial interior renovation of the administrative building of the Triglav insurance company

The administrative building of the Triglav insurance company is an exceptional Plečnik’s work. Its central quality is a rich three-dimensional structure that creates the dramaturgy of the corner with a play of light and shadow. Despite all subsequent interventions, a whole range of elements of the architect’s vocabulary can be recognized in the building. Architects wanted to highlight Plečnik’s architecture as a suitable articulation of the corporate image of today’s content and at the same time allow modern working conditions.


Main architect / Office:
Arrea arhitektura
Maruša Zorec, Klara Bohinc, Tadej Bolta, Mark Koritnik, Martina Tepina
Tadej Bolta, Nejc Lasič
Other participants:

Vid Klančar

Irena Vesel

Agora Design – oblikovanje razstave

Fojkarfire, požarni inženiring d.o.o.

Check out the expert:
Zavarovalnica Triglav
Main contractor:
Triglav, Upravljanje nepremičnin d.d.
Other contractors and suppliers:

Komont d.o.o. (Construction work)

Celarc d.o.o. (Mechanical installations)

Elektro instalacije Iztok Žužek s.p., Elitplan d.o.o. (Electrical installations)

AFP Mont Franci Pasar s.p. (Plasters, screeds)

Vogart d.o.o., Ekostil d.o.o. (Flooring)

Decor & Design d.o.o., Kubus – interier d.o.o., Mizarstvo Košnik d.o.o. – restavratorska dela, ORION intertrade d.o.o., Stilles d.o.o., Restavratorstvo Mali d.o.o. (Furnishings)

Arcadia d.o.o. (Lighting)

Marmor Hotavlje d.o.o. (Masonry)

ZVKDS (Cooperating Institutions)

ZVKDS (Cooperating Institutions)

Arrea arhitektura – references

Business projects

