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Entrance Pavilion, Arboretum Volčji Potok

The new entrance pavilion to Arboretum Volčji Potok is situated perpendicularly on the entrance axis. It is designed as an expanded element of the fence, which separates the entrance area and the park. Visitors enter the pavilion among tall sequoias and find themselves on the inner circular path of the park.
The construction, the façade and windows of the building are wooden. The frames of the windows follow the structure of the fence and enable the transparency of the building.

Project information

Location of the project:
Volčji potok 3, Radomlje
Year of completion:
215 m2
Arboretum Volčji Potok
Accesible for people with mobility impairments.


Main architect / Office:
Arrea arhitektura
Maruša Zorec, Matjaž Bolčina
Landscape architecture:
Dušan Stupar, Tomaž Stupar, Krajinaris d.o.o.
Tadej Bolta
Check out the expert:
Intra lighting
Main contractor:
Riko Hiše d.o.o.
Other contractors and suppliers:

Riko Hiše d.o.o. (Construction)

Riko Hiše d.o.o., Lesnina O.K. d.o.o. (Facades and insulation)

Re-Ing d.o.o. (Mechanical installations)

Mat.el d.o.o. (Electrical installations)

Edo Wallner (Construction engineering)

Ostrovrhar d.o.o., Adria Keramika d.o.o. (Flooring)

Mizarstvo Kos Bojan s.p. (Furnishings)

Intra Lighting d.o.o. (Lighting)

Vrtni center Arboretum Volčji Potok (Landscape design)

Arrea arhitektura – references

Tourist facilities

Tourist facilities