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Pile dwelling settlement at Ig

The project deals with the placement and definition of the reconstructed pile dwellings near Ig (as a place of interpretation of the prehistoric UNESCO heritage on the site of the town) in the space of the selected site, with the placement and design of the access route and the necessary accompanying infrastructure. The central part of the siting, design and technical solutions is the so-called ‘enclosure’ for the presentation of the pile settlement and the evocation of the overall atmosphere of the prehistoric period in which it existed.

Project information

Location of the project:
Pri mostiščarjih, Ig
Year of completion:
511 m2
Občina Ig
Accesible for people with mobility impairments.


Main architect / Office:
Atelje Ostan Pavlin
Atelje Ostan Pavlin
Atelje Ostan Pavlin
Landscape architecture:
Atelje Ostan Pavlin
Aleksander S. Ostan, Miha Žlindra
Main contractor:
HIS d.o.o.
Other contractors and suppliers:

Anton Golnar s.p (slamnate strehe, glineni ometi in popleti) (Construction work)

Elea iC d.o.o. (Construction engineering)

Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU (oprema in eksponati v kolibah) (Furnishings)

Atelje Onkraj (Landscape design)

IS projekt d.o.o. (vodnogospodarska ureditev) (Technological plans)

ZRC SAZU, Krajinski park Ljubljansko barje (Cooperating Institutions)

Atelje Ostan Pavlin – references

Cultural projects

Educational and recreational facilities

Open space