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Kindergarten Polzela with community centre

This annex to an existing kindergarten houses five playrooms, a gym, a teachers’ room and an intergenerational centre. The roof forms several gables and is a logical continuation of the existing building’s geometry. The roof is made of prefabricated sandwich-style wooden panels, used in shopping centres building, which is an innovative and low-cost solution. The building only took four months, including a landscaped outdoor playground.

Project information

Location of the project:
Glavni Trg 1, Polzela
Year of completion:
823 m2
Municipality Polzela
Accesible for people with mobility impairments.


Main architect / Office:
Modular arhitekti, Mojca Gregorski, Matic Lašič
Modular arhitekti, Mojca Gregorski, Matic Lašič
Landscape architecture:
Miran Kambič
Check out the expert:
Swisspearl Slovenija
Other contractors and suppliers:

SWISSPEARL Slovenija d.o.o. (facades and insulation)

Menerga d.o.o. (mechanical installations)

TE-biro d.o.o. (electrical installations)

Proding d.o.o. (construction engineering)

Arcadia d.o.o. (lighting)

Murexin d.o.o. (building materials)

Modular arhitekti – references

Mojca Gregorski – references

Matic Lašič – references

Educational and recreational facilities