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Bistro Aftr

The project is a transformation of the interior of an existing restaurant into a bistro. The investor’s was to preserve as much of the existing equipment as possible and no major construction interventions. The basic idea was to transform the interior of a serious restaurant into a more relaxed, less binding and youthful interior. A special feature of the renovation is the reuse of almost all equipment. Due to limited space for design, the idea of ​​”freeze design” arose, where the architects achieved the desired change by monochrome colouring of everything that was in the room. The restaurant is divided into three parts, so they also chose three colours for the main change of ambience: blue, pink and green. The main entrance area, where the room with the most tables and the large counter is located, is painted blue. It is possible to serve food on the counter, and dance next to it in the evenings. The only new furniture elements – tables and chairs – are also blue. From the main room, a path leads along the corridor to two smaller booths, which are dressed in pink, while the last, more distant room is dressed in green. A special feature of the room is the author’s graffiti and neon sign on the end cross wall, the work of the artist Leon Zuodar, which abstractly illustrates various elements of food and everything related to it.


Main architect / Office:
plusminus30, Barbara Debevec, Bernard Podboj, Lara Melon, Jure Melon
Miran Kambič
Other contractors and suppliers:

Pohištvo Čarman (interior design contractor)

Tapetništvo Kršinar (upholstery)

Strlesvetila (lighting)

Beltram (chairs)

plusminus30 – references

Cafes and restaurants
