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Triglav Lab

TriglavLab brings together physical experience and the increasingly digitalized world. The ground floor of the historic Slovenijales department store with its ceiling girders and concrete constructions, allows open floor plans. These offices allow the visitor to experience different situations related to the insurance company’s products. Modularly designed equipment can be adapted to fit different settings – from professional counselling, using the simulators, and holding big or small events.

Project information

Location of the project:
Dunajska cesta 20, Ljubljana
Year of completion:
350 m2
Skupina Triglav
Accesible for people with mobility impairments.


Main architect / Office:
Gigodesign d.o.o., Triiije arhitekti
Gigodesign d.o.o., Triiije arhitekti
Triiije arhitekti, Gigodesign d.o.o.
Nika Uhan
Check out the expert:
Zavarovalnica Triglav
Main contractor:
Pantarhei d.o.o.
Other contractors and suppliers:

Pantarhei d.o.o. (Construction work)

IMP d.d. (Construction)

IMP d.d. (Facades and insulation)

I.S.P. d.o.o. (Mechanical installations)

ProFi d.o.o. – Bojan Germovšek (Electrical installations)

Strim projektiranje, Sandra Šafarič s.p. (Construction engineering)

IMP d.d., Energomont d.o.o. (Installation contractor)

IMP d.d. (Windows, doors)

IMP d.d. (Plasters, screeds)

Alpod d.o.o. (Flooring)

Slovenijales trgovina d.o.o. (Furnishings)

Energomont d.o.o. (Lighting)

IMP d.d. (Building materials)

, Triglav, Upravljanje nepremičnin d.d., (Project maintenance)

Triiije arhitekti – references

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Business projects