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Rihembnerk castle – Visitors center and exhibition Infoteque Nature 2000

Rihemberk is one of the oldest and mightiest castles in Slovenia – a cultural monument of national importance. After the destruction during World War II, it was abandoned for decades, despite attempts of renewal.

In 2017, the Municipality of Nova Gorica as the owner of the castle carried out basic maintenance work so that it could be opened to the public. Subsequently, the concept of an integral renovation was developed with the participation of many stakeholders. In parallel, programs for visitors were developed and step-by-step renovation started. With the arrangement of the Infoteka, the interiors of the castle were put on display for the first time – as a combination of culture and nature.

Project information

Location of the project:
Branik 113, Branik
Year of completion:
Mestna občina Nova Gorica


Main architect / Office:
Nataša Kolenc
Nataša Kolenc – vodja projekta (Mestna občina Nova Gorica), STOLP d.o.o. – idejna zasnova in načrti za izvedbo GOI del, Aleš Šuligoj
SI_ARHITEKTURA, dr. Sonja Ifko
Uroš Rojc + MUVI media, Mateja Pelikan
Other participants:

Dr. Staša Tome

Maja Bevc

Ajda Bevc

Valerija Rimele

Žiga Žgur

Jasna Svetina

Aljoša Rot

Matija Kostevc

Vladimir Leben

Primož Presetnik

Jan Čermelj

dr. Davorin Tome

Jure Novak

dr. Klemen Koselj

Astrid Ličen

Bojan Zadravec

Henrik Ciglič

Mateja Zoratti

Borut Melinc

Ervin Kozem

Main contractor:
GITRI d.o.o., Konservatorsko-restavratorska dela: GNOM d.o.o.
Other contractors and suppliers:

GNOM d.o.o. (construction work)

GNOM d.o.o. (facades and insulation)

MM-biro d.o.o., Zoran Markovič (mechanical installations)

MM-biro d.o.o., Matjaž Kalin (electrical installations)

dr. Mojca Jarc Simonič (construction engineering)

GNOM d.o.o. (roofing, tinkering)

GNOM d.o.o. (windows, doors)

GNOM d.o.o. (plasters, screeds)

GNOM d.o.o. (flooring)

4DESIGN d.o.o. (furnishings)

Arcadia d.o.o., VERAI d.o.o. (lighting)

Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, OE Nova Gorica, Zavod RS za varstvo narave, RRA Severna Primorska d.o.o., Goriški muzej Nova Gorica, Občina Ajdovščina, Zavod za ribištvo Slovenije, Park Škocjanske jame, Osnovna šola Branik, SVITAR zavod za oblikovanje prostora, zgodovino in umetnost, ARCTUR d.o.o., Réseau Bío Scéne (cooperating Institutions)

Cultural projects


Open space


Tourist facilities