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Home for the elderly Idrija

The building is designed as a modern, bright house resembling traditional architecture. Its basic motif are two rectangular volumes with a flat roof. Short lateral facades are predominantly closed, while the long ones are open, with embedded cubes. These are like single family homes, a kind of a paraphrase of the former homes of the residents. The home is divided into a partially open public part with a mixed program on the ground floor, a service part with an additional public program in the basement, and sleeping and living quarters on upper four floors.

Project information

Location of the project:
Arkova ulica 4, 5280 Idrija
Year of completion:
Ministrstvo za delo, družino in socialne zadeve
Accesible for people with mobility impairments.


Main architect / Office:
Ravnikar Potokar arhitekturni biro
Robert Potokar, Andrej Strehovec, Marjan Starič, Ajdin Bajrovič, Mateja Šetina, Carlos Graça
Andrej Strehovec, Maja Slapernik, Robert Potokar
Andrej Strehovec
Check out the expert:
Intra lighting
Other contractors and suppliers:

Intra Lighting d.o.o. (lighting)

Ravnikar Potokar arhitekturni biro – references

Healthcare projects