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Warehouse and office building Eko produkt

The design of the Eko produkt warehouse clearly communicates the company’s commitment to natural and ecological values. The purity of architectural expression, characteristic of industrial buildings, outlines the ecological potential of office buildings. The wooden structure made from cross laminated solid wood panels combined with steel elements and the facade creatively illustrate the company’s main occupation, which deals with timber. The thermal insulation is made from organic materials while the roofing foil comes from recycled tires. Together with low energy consumption, the building is an example of sustainable architecture, conforming to specific environmental and economic criteria.


Main architect / Office:
ARHI PETRUS, Peter Pavšič, Milan Rađenović, Matjaž Križman
Peter Pavšič, Milan Rađenović, Matjaž Križman
Other participants:

Jana Mlakar

Check out the expert:
Main contractor:
Eko produkt d.o.o.
Other contractors and suppliers:

Hermes d.o.o., Janez Šlibar (mechanical installations)

Erling d.o.o., Dušan Holzbauer, ProFi d.o.o. - Bojan Germovšek (electrical installations)

CBD d.o.o., dr. Bruno Dujič (construction engineering)

Peter Pavšič – references

Matjaž Križman – references

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