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CSC office

The client’s desire was to design a working space for 6 to 10 people, a large meeting room, an archive, a reception and a relaxation room for the employees, all in a space of 90 m2.
By selecting materials and cleansing lines in the space, the designers wanted to achieve an interior in line with the company’s business, which is financial advisory. It should reflect seriousness, integrity and trust. At the same time, the bold combination of natural colors and textures (velvet, appearance of raw concrete, lexan) also reflects their creative search for solutions.


Main architect / Office:
Arhimetrics arhitekti
Dare Vasiljevič, Janez Vrhunc, Robert Gavrilovič, Tanja Špan
Arhimetrics arhitekti
Miran Kambič
Other contractors and suppliers:

Ključavničarstvo Marjan Golob s.p. (Construction)

Kompozita d.o.o. (Electrical installations)

Enerdom d.o.o. (Installation contractor)

Ključavničarstvo Marjan Golob s.p. (Windows, doors)

Art Dizajn d.o.o (Flooring)

Mizarstvo Aljoša Ličen s.p. (Furnishings)

Arcadia d.o.o., Tilen Sepič (Lighting)

Mizarstvo Aljoša Ličen s.p. (Kitchen)

Arhimetrics arhitekti – references

Business projects

Business projects