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Beach Sport Center

Beach Sports Park Ludus is a part of an industrial area in Ljubljana’s neighborhood of Črnuče. The sports hall complements the existing sport activities within the green sport island with beach volleyball, tennis, basketball, and mini football courts. This is the first facility for beach volleyball in Slovenia and serves as a link between the industrial zone, characterized by large volumes, and a residential area in a part of the city that has been neglected for a long time.

Project information

Location of the project:
Šlandrova 11, Črnuče
Year of completion:
1,790 m2
Ludus d.o.o.
Accesible for people with mobility impairments.


Main architect / Office:
Elastik, Mika Cimolini
Mika Cimolini
Landscape architecture:
Biro Črta d.o.o.
Miran Kambič
Other participants:

Kono-B d.o.o.

Main contractor:
Mediogradnja Inženiring d.o.o. Ljubljana
Other contractors and suppliers:

Sustinno d.o.o. (Construction)

Genera d.o.o., Toplota d.o.o. (Mechanical installations)

Genera d.o.o., JRS d.d. (Electrical installations)

Pro-ban d.o.o. (Construction engineering)

Ensi d.o.o., JRS d.d. (Installation contractor)

Duja d.o.o., Mizarstvo Zrim, Ludvik Zrim s.p., Vrata Deržič, Rudolf Deržič s.p. (Windows, doors)

Eko stil d.o.o., Keramika Kotnik d.o.o. (Flooring)

KPL d.o.o. (Landscape design)

Elastik – references

Mika Cimolini – references

Educational and recreational facilities

Educational and recreational facilities

Open space

Open space