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Single – family building POLICA

The house with living quarters at ground level and service spaces below them makes good use of the existing slope of the terrain. The non-excavated part is made entirely of wood and surrounded by a wooden ventilated façade, which is treated with a graying agent, thus achieving a permanently uniform colour of the wood around the entire perimeter from the very beginning. Locally sourced spruce and fir wood and clay plasters in the interior give the building additional sustainable value.

House is located in Grosuplje.

Project information

Year of completion:
179,8 m2
OHS award 2022
Mateja Lesar in Boštjan Lesar
Accesible for people with mobility impairments.


Main architect / Office:
NAO d.o.o., Bojan Mrežar
NAO d.o.o., Bojan Mrežar
NAO d.o.o., Bojan Mrežar
Landscape architecture:
Krajinska arhitektura, Sara Peternel s.p.
Miran Kambič
Check out the expert:
TEM Čatež
Check out the expert:
M Sora
Check out the expert:
VELUX Slovenija
Main contractor:
Ekoart hiše d.o.o.
Other contractors and suppliers:

Kordiš gradbeništvo in inženiring d.o.o. (Construction work)

Fama d.o.o., contact facade, Zimicell d.o.o., wall and roof insulation, wooden facade: investor (Facades and insulation)

ARHI – TURA d.o.o. / Bojan Mrežar (Lighting design)

Računalniška grafika Gregor S. Tavčar s.p. (Mechanical installations)

Elgom, Marko Golob s.p. (Electrical installations)

Ciril Bogataj (Construction engineering)

H2O storitve in inženiring d.o.o. (Installation contractor)

Ekoart hiše d.o.o. (Roofing, tinkering)

M Sora d.d., VELUX Slovenija d.o.o. (Windows, doors)

Roletarstvo Medle d.o.o. (Shades)

clay plasters, Gnezdo d.o.o., screeds and floors Skok (Plasters, screeds)

Parketline Medved prodaja in montaža d.o.o., Raido – zaključna gradbena dela Marko Lovšin s.p. (Flooring)

Mizarstvo Gnidovec d.o.o. (Furnishings)

Mizarstvo Zupanc (Kitchen)

Bojan Mrežar – references

Residential projects

Residential projects