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Hotel Čad in Ljubljana

The facility makes the most of the permitted building dimensions. A half-story shift and carefully designed floor plans determine the position of 18 hotel rooms, among them two suites with a loggia and two apartments with a loggia in the attic. The service rooms are located in the basement, while on the ground floor there is a public space with a partially dug-in reception and a café with a garden. The inspiration for the design of the façade was the intertwining of shadows and sun and the visible wooden construction elements of villas in the neighbouring Rožna dolina.

Project information

Location of the project:
Cesta na Rožnik 18, Ljubljana
Year of completion:
1300 m2
Architecture, BigSEE Architecture Award 2022 – Winner, Public and commercial architecture, Slovenia
Gostilna Čad d.o.o.
Accesible for people with mobility impairments.


Main architect / Office:
Arhitektura 2211, Bine Tekavec
Ana Cesar, Peter Cesar, Bine Karol Tekavec
ATRI arhitekturni studio, Decor & Design d.o.o., Anja Rupnik, Andraž Žitnik
Miran Kambič
Other participants:

Christian Volpi

Check out the expert:
M Sora
Main contractor:
Remont d.d.
Other contractors and suppliers:

Remont d.d. (Construction work)

Bemija d.o.o. (Construction)

Riko d.o.o., ASTEH (Facades and insulation)

Strle svetila (Lighting design)

Tadej Auer (Mechanical installations)

Emil Moškon (Electrical installations)

Alan Sodnik (Construction engineering)

Boštjan Kraševec (Roofing, tinkering)

M Sora d.d., Arcont (Windows, doors)

Interrier Showroom (Flooring)

Decor & Design d.o.o. (Furnishings)

Arhitektura 2211 – references

Bine Tekavec – references

Tourist facilities

Tourist facilities