Corwin is a leading real estate developer making a significant impact in Slovenia, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. Among its numerous award-winning achievements is the Einpark Offices building in Bratislava – the first carbon-neutral building in Central and Eastern Europe and the second in Europe to meet the LEED Zero Carbon certification. Corwin’s ambitious, high-profile projects are distinguished by cutting-edge technologies that enhance user health and well-being, as well as green roofs that help reduce urban temperatures. The company is committed to thoughtful urban planning, continuously improving its methods, and fostering sustainable growth.
Corwin has been active in the Slovenian market since 2017. Its pilot project Kvartet, a residential complex with 236 apartments, is one of the largest in Ljubljana. Since 2023, Corwin has also been constructing Vilharia, the largest and greenest business building in Ljubljana. Additionally, the company plans to revitalize degraded areas along Masarykova and Linhartova streets, as well as the former Kolinska area.