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Waterworks Frankolovo

Waterworks, which provide distribution of drinking water, are highly technological buildings with modern filtration, ultrafiltration and disinfection units. The building has to be located near a water source and inspire confidence with its image. This waterworks, situated in an abandoned quarry, is a fairly large building which resembles two adjacent units because it seems to be folded in half. The wooden coating divides the facade in three horizontal parts.

Project information

Location of the project:
Verpete n.š., Frankolovo
Year of completion:
Vodovod – kanalizacija j.p. d.o.o.
Accesible for people with mobility impairments.


Main architect / Office:
Navor d.o.o.
Denis Rovan, Nataša Rovan – Gračner
Other contractors and suppliers:

Vodar d.o.o. (mechanical installations)

Energotehna d.o.o. (electrical installations)

Navor d.o.o. (construction engineering)

Navor d.o.o. – references

Infrastructure projects