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Kindergarten Šmartno

The wooden kindergarten Šmartno has no corridors, and its central space is part of the playrooms. All the spaces are open and well-lit. Playrooms are either separated or connected through sliding doors, while movable equipment allows for different settings. The heart of the kindergarten is formed by the staircase featuring numbers and colours, a den and a slide. Children can play in 67 different niches and can interact freely with each other, teachers and playground equipment.


Main architect / Office:
Arhitektura Jure Kotnik
Jure Kotnik, Andrej Kotnik, Tjaša Mavrič
Landscape architecture:
Arhitektura Jure Kotnik
Janez Marolt
Check out the expert:
Main contractor:
Lesoteka hiše d.o.o., MarkoMark Nival d.o.o.
Other contractors and suppliers:

Zasebno: Lesoteka Hiše d.o.o. (facades and insulation)

FIMA d.o.o. (mechanical installations)

EPNS d.o.o. (electrical installations)

CBD d.o.o. (construction engineering)

Gašper trženje d.o.o., Mizarstvo Zlatorog d.o.o. (windows, doors)

Efcom grup d.o.o. (flooring)

Kogast sistemi d.o.o., Atlas Concorde (furnishings)

ELKO Kotnik d.o.o. (lighting)

Murexin d.o.o. (building materials)

Arhitektura Jure Kotnik – references

Educational and recreational facilities
