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Comprehensive Energy Retrofit of Tivoli Swimming Pool Complex as part of Energy retrofit programme for the public buildings in Ljubljana (EOL 1)

With the approval of the architect, Professor Fedja Košir, the Sports Facility Tivoli has undergone a comprehensive retrofit programme. Comprehensive energy retrofit measures were implemented: renovation of building envelope and of heating system (district heating system),  roof and attic insulation, installation of solar thermal collectors, thermostatic valves, climate controls and lighting retrofit. Central Energy Management System has been installed to monitor consumption and achieve the set targets. Energy savings add up to 1.828 MWh/year.

Project information

Location of the project:
Celovška 25, 1000 Ljubljana
Year of completion:
11836 m2
Mestna občina Ljubljana in Konzorcij Petrol - Resalta


Main architect / Office:
Rupert Gole
AV Studio d.o.o., Peter Irman
Main contractor:
Petrol d.d.
Other contractors and suppliers:

Arol d.o.o. (Construction work)

Arol d.o.o. (Construction)

Arol d.o.o. (Facades and insulation)

Peter Blažek (Mechanical installations)

Pro-elekt d.o.o. (Electrical installations)

Tomaž Habič (Construction engineering)

Elektro Urbanija d.o.o., Simon d.o.o. (Installation contractor)

Arol d.o.o. (Roofing, tinkering)

MIK Celje d.o.o. (Windows, doors)

Philips svetila (Lighting)

Arol d.o.o. (Fences)

Esplanada – references

Educational and recreational facilities

Educational and recreational facilities