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Kreadom urban walk through Nova Gorica

Architectural bureau Kreadom will take us on a tour of Nova Gorica and present its projects.

The starting point of the urban walk will be in front of the renovated diner Soča on Rejčeva Street. This legendary bar has significantly marked this neighbourhood and it still represents a fresh, modern and attractive meeting point.
We will then walk past the refreshed façade and new façade equipment of the former Meblo building and note how the façade has been unified with a game of hiding and uncovering different parts.
From here, the tour continues in front of the new pizzeria Le cité, which has brought new life to the neighbourhood with its long counter, fully open glass wall and a large garden in front of it.
The walk will conclude in front of the new Tourist Information Center on Kidričeva Street with its Slovenian-made recycled equipment and paved terracotta floors, as bricks are an important part of the local tradition. Here we will be able to rest on the outdoor bench in front of the glazed wall.

Before we continuie to the second part of the walk, we will stop in the Gong Gallery, which already predicts the cultural future of the town of Nova Gorica.



Main architect / Office:
Kreadom, Adrijan Cingerle

Kreadom – references
